How is the 7-Day Traffic Score for ASINSIGHT calculated ?

Organic Traffic Score
Obtained by multiplying the search result's organic impression by a constant. It is directly proportional to the organic impression of the search results in the last 7 days (excluding the current day) (Organic positions include: organic ranking, AC , ER , organic position in CPF , OOR ). The higher the score, the higher the organic impression. The percentage in brackets represents the proportion of organic traffic value to the total traffic value.
Ad Traffic Score
Obtained by multiplying the search result's Ad impression by a constant. It is directly proportional to the Ad impression of the search results (Ad positions include: SP, SB, SBV, HR , TRB , Ad position in CPF , SOR ). The higher the score, the higher the Ad impression. The percentage in brackets represents the proportion of Ad traffic to the total traffic.
PS: The 7-day traffic score is a concept introduced by ASINSIGHT to calculate the display volume obtained by an ASIN on the first 3 pages of keyword search results, including both Organic and Ad traffic.
Why multiply by a constant?
This is because the total display volume for an ASIN across all keywords is very large and not convenient for comparison. By multiplying the display volume by a constant, it is proportionally reduced, making it easier to compare data.